In this week’s episode of The Hutt Seat podcast, I provide insights into the workings of how councils decide how much rates people pay. The annual plan of councils is like a household budget for one year, and the bulk of their income comes from rates, which accounts for 62.8% of Hutt City’s revenue. The council also receives contributions from the government for some projects, and user charges, which are fees for specific services, but the majority of them do not cover the full cost of delivering the service.
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Last night the new Hutt City Council for 2022-25 was sworn in at the inaugural council meeting, which is an official occasion where we read and sign our declarations of office in front of friends and whanau.
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I am extremely proud to announce that I have been elected as a city-wide councillor for a second term, after receiving 11,752 votes!
It has been an honour and a privilege to serve as a first-term councillor, and I am looking forward to continuing this important work for another three years.
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Yesterday was our final council meeting of the triennium, which started with a moment of silence for the Queen.
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So you’ve received your voting papers, you’ve voted for all the positions you care about, and now you’re wondering where to drop them? (Don’t have your voting papers yet?)
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Voting papers in the 2022 elections were sent out on Friday 16th September. If you haven’t received your voting papers by now, then there has been a problem.
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The research arm of leading design and engineering firm WSP in New Zealand has just received $9.1 million in funding from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE) Endeavour Fund to investigate use of biomass as a replacement for roading bitumen.
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Hutt City Council candidate Brady Dyer is promising to help keep you and your whānau safe by increasing the number of 24/7, publicly accessible Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) across the city.
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