September 23, 2021

Council climate change vote sends a message to the world

Hutt City Council has voted in favour of signing up to the Race to Zero climate initiative, joining more than 730 cities around the world that have publicly committed to reducing carbon emissions. Race to Zero, a global campaign run by the COP26 Presidency (26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties) is the […]

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September 14, 2021

Community working together to build long term resilience

Community organisations have been working together since the lockdown making sure Lower Hutt whānau have been able to get quick access to support initiatives. Local demand across the city during lockdown increased three-fold, with more than 500 food parcels a day being delivered. As well, community groups reported a new cohort of families requesting support: […]

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September 8, 2021

Demolition of Naenae Pool to ramp up with preparatory work underway

Preparatory demolition work has started on Naenae Pool, the first major physical milestone of the rebuild of the facility. Lower Hutt Mayor Campbell Barry says seeing demolition workers on site marks massive progress for the community and takes us all one step closer to returning a much-loved pool to the community and to the region. […]

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September 7, 2021

Hutt City Council services at Alert Level 2  

With Lower Hutt moving to Alert Level 2 at 11:59pm tonight, there will be some changes to how Council services and facilities will run.  Many facilities will re-open with additional health and safety measures in place, in accordance with the Government’s revised Level 2 guidance.   

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August 31, 2021

Nominations now open for the Kūmara Awards 2021

The Kūmara Awards is on a mission to celebrate fabulous placemaking happening across Aotearoa. Projects and public initiatives in Lower Hutt can now be nominated for the 2021 awards. Projects big or small, permanent or temporary, inside or outside could win a Kūmara Award. The awards are a community-driven showcase of outstanding recent placemaking projects. […]

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August 27, 2021

Central Ward by-election voting papers delivered

Voting papers have now been delivered to people who can vote in the Central Ward by-election. Electoral Officer Bruce Hodgins is encouraging people to exercise their democratic right to vote to elect the candidate that is going to best represent them on important local issues. Voters can return their papers to their nearest post box […]

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August 27, 2021

Naenae Pool demolition contractors appointed

The start of demolition of the earthquake prone Naenae Olympic Pool and Fitness suite is imminent with the appointment of a demolition contractor and quantity surveyor.    Lower Hutt based demolition contractor McMahon Services NZ has been appointed to take down the 50 year old Naenae Olympic Pool building to make way for the new […]

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August 24, 2021

Community invited to salvage a piece of Naenae Pool history

The demolition of the old Naenae Olympic Pool is soon to get underway – pending lockdown restrictions – and Hutt City Council is inviting the community to own a piece of local history. As the Naenae Pool rebuild and redevelopment of the town centre gets underway, the project team is aiming to reuse and recycle […]

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