The recent chlorination of Lower Hutt’s water supply is to continue while investigations into the source of recent positive E.coli test results are underway. The water remains safe to drink.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Chlorination of Lower Hutt’s water supply to continue
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New bollards will be positioned on the narrow section of Marine Parade, south Eastbourne between Hinau and Kauri Streets to make the area free of through traffic
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Eastbourne Marine Parade South made safer
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The Hutt STEMM Festival returns 6-21 May with Hutt City Council and other local organisations preparing a wide array of events celebrating science, technology, engineering, mathematics and manufacturing.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Celebrating women’s contributions in tech at Hutt STEMM Festival
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Accessing Council services online just got better from Hutt City Council’s public computers.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: More services available from Council computers
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The Anzac values of commitment to country and to each other are as relevant today as they were on the Gallipoli shore more than a century ago, says Lower Hutt Mayor Ray Wallace.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Anzac story still holds true for Mayor Ray Wallace
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Planners and politicians need to work together in the best interests of their communities in changing times, says Lower Hutt’s Mayor, Ray Wallace.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Planners, politicians must work together, says Hutt Mayor
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Fully treated wastewater is currently being diverted into the Waiwhetu Stream as a result of a joint failure in the Seaview Wastewater Treatment Plant outfall pipe early this morning.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Seaview Wastewater Treatment Plant outfall pipe repair
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For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Hinemoa Street sewage pumping station
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The community is asked to provide clear evidence about the harm caused by alcohol abuse to support changes to the Hutt City Local Alcohol Policy.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Clear evidence needed to support changes to Council’s alcohol policy
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3 – 9 April is Cemeteries Week.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Issues of Grave Concern
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