Lower Hutt’s rejuvenation projects are underway, the city’s population is growing and new businesses opening so Hutt City Council is taking a fresh look at housing.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Housing a key factor in city’s rejuvenation
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Four lighting towers at the Hutt Recreation Ground which have been used infrequently over the past 10 years will be deconstructed next week.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Lighting towers at Hutt Rec to be removed
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Lower Hutt’s newest signalised intersection at Hutt Road and Petone Avenue will be turned on during the week beginning 22 May.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: New traffic signals at Hutt Rd/Petone Ave intersection
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World Smokefree Day is 31 May: in Lower Hutt we’re celebrating all of May as smokefree.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Lower Hutt leading the way as a smokefree city
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For some Wainuiomata and Stokes Valley families, a boot load of free firewood is a nice boost as winter sets in.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Felled Pines Turned to Firewood for Whanau
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Art and the Sister City programme play a critical part in bringing the world’s people together in fellowship and friendship, says Lower Hutt Mayor, Ray Wallace.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Art and Sister Cities Promote Trade and Tolerance
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Only five submissions from residents were made to Hutt City Council, as it considers putting a cap on the number of off-licences in several suburbs.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Putting the lid on liquor outlet numbers attracts scant interest
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For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Little appetite for Easter Sunday trading
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The mysterious lights shining from the top of Lower Hutt’s War Memorial Library finally have an explanation.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: We’re highlighting Lower Hutt with brand new events
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Nearly 600 submissions on the Council’s 2017-2018 Annual Plan have been received since the calling for submissions on 28 March. Submissions close at 5pm on Friday 28 April.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Keen interest in city’s 2017-18 proposed Annual Plan
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