Update 12noon 1/9: The lower section of Korokoro Road is also now closed. After last night’s rain a slip has come down. It is being cleared now and the road is likely to be opened this afternoon. In the meantime traffic is being detoured via London Road.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Singers Road closure
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Members of Hutt City Council’s four newly established Community Panels were inducted at a Council workshop last night.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: New community panels up and running
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The new Regional Bowls Centre at Walter Mildenhall Park will be officially opened by Mayor Ray Wallace and the Chairperson of the Community Facilities Trust Kirsten Patterson, 4.30pm on Friday 1 September.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: World-class bowls centre open for business
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Volunteers from across Lower Hutt were last night celebrated for their generosity and service to the community.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Volunteers celebrated at awards ceremony
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Lower Hutt’s economy is showing signs of improvement across a range of indicators with residential building figures in the year to June hitting their highest levels since the late 1970s.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: House builds hit new highs, city economy firm
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Hutt City Council is about to notify a District Plan change that will rezone the Council-owned south western part of the former Copeland Street Reserve in Epuni from General Recreation to General Residential – Medium Density.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Council notifies zone change to part of former Copeland Street Reserve
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After eighteen days of fierce competition during some of winter’s worst weather conditions, the winner of the ‘Sweet As’ Hutt’s Hot Chocolate Challenge has been found.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Buzz Café wins ‘Sweet As’ Hutt’s Hot Chocolate Challenge
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The Eastern Bays shared path is progressing well and a series of meetings are being held in August to engage with the community and get feedback on the developed options.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Eastern Bays shared path public engagement
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A Hutt City Council solar schools initiative has saved one Wainuiomata primary school $1400 in its first year.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Solar in schools saves $
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Hutt City Council’s Policy and Regulatory Committee this week gave the green light to continue work on a city-wide parking policy, which is part of a wider review of parking in Lower Hutt.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Review of parking in Lower Hutt moves into second gear
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