The new Koraunui Stokes Valley Community Hub will be officially opened by Lower Hutt Mayor Ray Wallace on Friday 27 October.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: New Koraunui Stokes Valley Community Hub ready to open
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Hutt City Council voted last night to approve the public notification of a proposed District Plan change that could allow for a wider range of housing types and medium density housing in the city.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Proposal to give Lower Hutt room to grow gets Council approval
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Hutt City Council is calling for feedback on its new draft parking policy.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Lower Hutt’s first parking policy up for consultation
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Fear of the parking ticket could be a thing of the past.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: New parking app for Lower Hutt drivers
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Hutt City Councillors will soon consider proposals to enable medium density housing and a wider range of housing types to be built in the city. There will be a particular focus on 10 carefully selected urban centres.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Councillors to take a fresh look at housing
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The next stage of the Lower Hutt Civic Precinct development is about to begin with phase three of the Riddiford Garden refurbishment.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Lower Hutt Civic Precinct continues to take shape
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Enthusiastic, creative, ambitious and driven are a few of the many positive words that have been used to describe Naenae college student Clench Enoka, winner of the Sir Robert Jones scholarship.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Scholarship for award-winning refugee
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If you have a disability or care for someone who does make sure you come along to the Health and Ability Expo, 3 October, at Petone Working Men’s Club.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Health and Ability Expo
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Wellington Water is back at work on Knights Road, Lower Hutt. A 1.5 kilometre pipeline is being installed from Waterloo to the Hutt River, to ensure a new ultraviolet treatment system will be good to go before peak summer demand for drinking water.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: New pipeline for Knights Road
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Hutt City Council’s call for qualified and capable people to represent the disability community on city issues has attracted some valuable talent.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Accessibility and Inclusiveness Panel ready to go
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