Many aspects of life in Taita are on the improve, especially for young people, according to analysis carried out to look at the impact of investment in that community by Hutt City Council and others.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Report shows investment in Taita is paying off
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Lower Hutt Mayor Ray Wallace has welcomed Housing New Zealand’s recent announcement to improve the thermal performance of a further 200 homes in the Hutt Valley, following an initial pilot programme.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Mayor welcomes thermal upgrade for more Hutt homes
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Hutt City Council’s Creative Communities Funding Scheme has money to give groups and individuals running arts projects in Lower Hutt.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Let us help fund your next art project
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The Lower Hutt suburb of Stokes Valley will be one of the first in the country to trial a new dog tag technology.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Stokes Valley to trial new dog tag technology
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An increasing number of Lower Hutt residents rate their city as a great place to live.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Survey shows Lower Hutt is a great place to live
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All buildings in Lower Hutt with unreinforced masonry parapets and façades, deemed an earthquake risk to public safety, have been brought up to a safe standard.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Lower Hutt safer after quake-risk buildings brought up to spec
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Some Lower Hutt schools have found that regular yoga sessions at school help pupils feel calmer and deal better with emotions.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: In-school yoga programme brings calm to classrooms
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New car parking zones and restrictions around Lower Hutt’s new Events Centre and refurbished Town Hall will come into effect from next Monday 20 August.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Parking Changes in Lower Hutt’s Civic Precinct
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Lower Hutt resident now have four weeks to have their say on how they elect their councillors and how they are represented at ward and community level.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Have your say on your city’s future
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The New Zealand Transport Agency and Hutt City Council are proposing to permanently close a State Highway 2 on-ramp for safety reasons.
For more information visit Hutt City Council’s website: Proposal to close Grounsell Crescent on-ramp
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