May 25, 2021

Naenae Pool rebuild design team appointed

Lower Hutt Mayor Campbell Barry has announced the appointment of an experienced design team to work with Council and the community on the rebuild of Naenae Pool. “Architecture HDT Ltd has been selected to provide the design services for the Naenae Pool project, and bring to life the vision of our community,” Campbell Barry says. […]

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May 25, 2021

Hutt City Council to apply to become Living Wage Accredited Employer

This afternoon Hutt City Council has voted to apply to become a Living Wage accredited employer, as part of its deliberations on the upcoming 2021–2031 Long Term Plan. Lower Hutt Mayor Campbell Barry says today’s decision will complete Council’s Living Wage journey – after it resolved to pay directly employed workers the Living Wage back […]

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May 20, 2021

Future brighter for Eastbourne’s banded dotterels

The future of Eastbourne’s tūturiwhatu (banded dotterels) is looking a little brighter thanks to a partnership between community groups, local residents and Hutt City Council. Mainland Island Restoration Operation (MIRO), the Eastbourne community, Eastbourne Community Board and council have worked together to protect the dotterel breeding site, which had been plagued by raiding cats. MIRO […]

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May 20, 2021

Student science and tech competition gains momentum

More than 80 teams of students across the Wellington region will pit their science, technology and mathematical skills against each other in the annual STEMM Student Challenge tomorrow. The STEMM (Science, technology, engineering, mathematics and manufacturing) Student Challenge 2021 is on tomorrow Wednesday 19 May and Thursday 20 May at the Lower Hutt Town Hall. […]

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May 18, 2021

Reducing the region’s plastic waste – One Tag at a time

Plastic dog tags are set to become a thing of the past in Wellington City and Lower Hutt, following the introduction of the One Tag for this year’s dog registrations. The One Tag is a metal tag designed to last a dog’s lifetime. Dog owners will still need to pay their annual registration fees, but […]

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May 17, 2021

Physical activity and wellbeing collide

Fraser Park Sportsville’s ‘Journeys’ programme is creating a new pitstop on the sporting pathway. The project enables local young people to develop their confidence and competence before committing to formal participation. Delivered in collaboration with the Hutt City Council’s Active in the Hutt team and the Wellington Boys and Girls Institute (BGI), Journeys is empowering […]

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May 15, 2021

Lower Hutt’s first dog park opens to public

This morning Lower Hutt Mayor Campbell Barry officially opened the Les Dalton Dog Park to the public, and was joined by a contingent of about 500 people and their dogs for the city’s first Dog Day Out. Campbell Barry said the opening of the dog park has been a long time coming for the city’s […]

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