Do you know what these life saving devices do? Do you know how effective they are if they’re within a close proximity to someone who has a cardiac arrest? Sadly we’ve heard too often of people who have collapsed and getting an AED to them has taken too long, which leaves you thinking “What if?”

If re-elected in October, I will commit to getting a full review of AED’s in our city. What I want to achieve is pretty straight forward
❤️ 24/7 Accessible AED’s at every council owned facility & park
❤️ 24/7 Accessible AED’s in any identified black spots once the first wave is done.

A lot of AED’s are locked indoors, in private buildings – which is great if you have a cardiac arrest Mon-Fri 9-5pm, but sadly that’s not how life works. Even some of councils current AED’s are locked inside, making them useless after hours.

I’m committing to working with Wellington Free Ambulance to make sure that every resident in our city has an AED close to them. Almost 1 in 4 cardiac arrests happen in public and performing good CPR increases the chance of survival. We know that when combined with the use of an AED, survival rates can increase to 80%.

Have a read of Craig’s story from Mitre 10, and you’ll realise this small investment, will have a huge impact to our whanua!