Kia Ora, I’m Brady Dyer.
In 2019 I was first elected as a city-wide councillor, and in 2022 was re-elected for a second term.
It’s been my absolute pleasure to represent our city as a first time councillor, and I have really enjoyed the challenge as we have fronted up to some big issues. We are facing a range of challenges, from population growth and housing supply, to climate change and ageing infrastructure. But challenges bring opportunities. I’m a father & husband living in Lower Hutt. I’m a professional photographer and opened my first studio 10 years ago in Petone. From 2016-2019 I was a member of the Petone Community Board.
I’m looking forward to continuing this important mahi over the next three years.

I attended Hutt International Boys’ School before graduating from Victoria University of Wellington with a Bachelor of Commerce & Administration (double majoring in Electronic Commerce & Information Systems Management).
What I’ve Helped Achieved, so far.
- New rubbish, recycling and green waste – Resulting in over 9,000 tonne’s diverted in just the first year.
- Doubled investment in water infrastructure
- Increased development contributions from developers so they pay their fair share of new infrastructure needed for their developments.
- Adopted integrated transport strategy
- Riverlink & Melling Interchange underway, with over $700m investment from project partners (NZTA, GWRC & HCC)
- Signed off Council’s Emissions Reduction plan & launched community-led road map to reduce emissions city wide
- In depth review of the emergency covid budget, finding $5m/yr in savings (approx 5% rate decrease)
- Doubled the budget for footpath repairs & renewals
- Agreed to make our facilities emissions free by 2030
- Increased councils EV fleet to 42% and installed 20 new public chargers
- Engaging and informing every step of the way – over 1.5m views on my Facebook posts.
- Started construction of Naenae pool (receiving $27m in co-funded from govt)
- Chaired out traffic subcommittee
Still much more to do…
- Ensure climate change is at the front of everything we do
- Establish 24/7 accessible AD’s in all council facilities and sportsfields
- Improve councils customer service experience across all of council
- Enhance community engagement on big decisions we still have to address. Start regular newsletter & podcast
- Increase CCTV cameras & security
- Further reduce waste to landfill through resource recovery park & exploring food waste options
- Investigating a purpose-built children’s museum focused on STEM
I currently serve in the following roles:
- Hutt City Council
- Traffic Subcommittee (Chair)
- Hutt Minoh House Friendship Trust (Chair)
- Infrastructure and Regulatory Committee
- Communities Committee
- Policy, Finance and Strategy Committee
- Long Term Plan/Annual Plan Subcommittee
- Hutt Valley Services Committee
- LGNZ Zone 4
- Creative Communities Panel
- Safe Hutt Valley Governance Group
- Regional Transport Committee (Alternate)
- Petone 2040 (Alternate)