Yesterday was our final council meeting of the triennium, which started with a moment of silence for the Queen.

During this moment I thought of her dedication and service over such a long period of time. I’m incredibly proud of the work I’ve done, which pales in comparison, over the last three years advocating and making tough decisions for our city.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the other elected members for the past three years they have dedicated to the city. It’s easy to forget that covid really has dominated these last three years at the same time as we have fronted up to some big challenges.

I’d like to thank our CEO Jo Miller and her outstanding team that day-in-day-out show up and improve our city.

Finally I’d like to thank everyone, because it’s the people that really make Lower Hutt the amazing place it is. Without the diverse communities we have that call Te Awa Kairangi home, it simply wouldn’t be what it is.

I’m looking forward to (hopefully) continuing to serve our city for the next three years so I can continue this important mahi.