Special voting is available to anyone eligible to vote:
- whose names do not appear on the inal electoral roll, but who qualify as electors
- who did not receive a voting paper previously posted to them
- who spoil or damage a voting paper previously posted to them.
Special voting booths are operating from the following Council sites from Friday 16 September to Friday 7 October:
- Hutt City Council building, 30 Laings Road, Lower Hutt: 9am – 5pm weekdays only
- Walter Nash Centre, Taine Street, Taita: 9am – 5pm weekdays only
- Wainuiomata Library, Queen Street, Wainuiomata: 10am – 5pm weekdays only
Council’s building in Laings Road will also be open on election day (Saturday 8 October) from 9am to 12 noon.
These booths are available for anyone who is eligible to vote but who has not received voting papers.
If you are unable to attend the booth in person you may call 04 570 6839 or email bruce.hodgins@huttcity.govt.nz, the Electoral Officer, Bruce Hodgins to obtain special voting papers.
If an elector requests a special vote and is not on the parliamentary roll (e.g. just turned 18 years of age), the person must enrol on the parliamentary roll by Friday 7 October 2016. An application for registration as a parliamentary elector may be obtained
- from any Post Shop or
- by telephoning 0800 ENROLNOW (0800 367656) or
- by accessing the Electoral Enrolment Centre website