Voter turnout continues to drop and I believe the main reason people don’t vote – is they don’t understand what council does, how it does it, and why it is so important in their day-to-day lives.

This was one of my main campaign priorities in 2019 when I was first elected. Bringing people on this journey is critical to making good decisions for the future. Getting input throughout the year is really important, but also being able to explain complex issues and topics helps general members of the public understand why councils are doing certain things.

At times councils are legally required to do things in a certain way When we consult we legally have to have a “preferred option”, so often we get questioned why we have this if we are genuinely consulting. Also if the government requires councils to do, we have a legal obligation to do it.

In my term on council I’m proud to have continually engage throughout the entire year, and have had over 1.5 million views on posts I have made on my Facebook page.

Another key thing we I helped support in the last three years is the awesome infographic below which visually shows people where their rates go.