Basically you are qualified to enrol if:

  • you are 18 years or older AND
  • you are a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident AND
  • you have lived in New Zealand for one year or more continuously at some point.

To vote in the Hutt City Council elections you have to be LIVING in the Hutt City (or paying rates on a property you own in the city). It doesn’t matter if you’re renting or own your own home – you’re eligible to enrol.

It’s super easy to enrol or if you just want to check your details – go to this page.

Great so I’m enrolled & live in the Hutt City – I can vote for you now right?

Not quite! The Hutt City is split into six regions or “wards”. Two Councillors are elected from each of these wards, while the Mayor is elected across the city.

I am standing as councillor in the Harbour Ward which covers Korokoro, Petone, Moera, South Waiwhetu, Gracefield, Seaview, Eastbourne.

So if you live in one of those areas then YES – You absolutely can vote for me, and your support in better representing our community is much appreciated!